Started: 17/06/20
Finished: 26/06/20
Spoilers: No
"A regime that shoots its own youth has no future."
A powerful first-hand account of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, told from the memories of a survivor.
Being born two years after this event, I knew little about it. This harrowing graphic memoir is an eye-opening look at what really happened on the 4th of June in Beijing.
This real life story has touched me, upset me, and enraged me. That the Chinese government did such a thing to its youth is unspeakable. A hundred-thousand students with a dream of democracy gunned down in their thousands. Its despicable.
Throughout reading this, I felt a building sense of dread. The students began the protests with such hope for the future only to have it snatched away from them entirely.
This graphic memoir is informative, enlightening, and oddly encouraging. The world saw what happened in China that day, and the world didn't like it. China may be erasing history, covering up the events like they never happened, but the world will remember.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about what happened on the 4th of June and the months leading up to it.
I'm so pleased I got the chance to read this for review.
Thank you Netgalley and publishers for providing an arc for review.