Started: 22/02/20
Spoilers: No.
It was alright. First off, I liked how quickly we dived into the action. There was no hanging around before introducing us to Roku. It’s very visual and the artwork is great. There’s something reminiscent of retro comics about it. Bright with vivid colour and lots of action sequences. I have a soft spot for the female assassin trope, though it can be a little iffy. It’s been done so often so I feel like the trope has to be particularly spectacular to stand out. Unfortunately, I don’t think this brought anything new to the table. It’s an idea that’s been explored many times, so in the end, they all start to sound the same. Roku’s hair was interesting. It has a lie of its own and she uses it as a weapon. It’s a cool idea, but there were times the artwork of the hair was a little overkill. Tone it down a little, like, I get the point. It’s dangerous and there’s a lot of it. But she seems to have all these other strange powers that are showcased early on, but not explained. I felt a bit lost at the beginning. This almost feels like a volume 2. Like I should already know all this stuff and already be acquainted with Roku’s personality. Not the most original idea I’ve ever read, but still a fun read. And I’m all up for ore badass females in books. I received a digital copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.