Started: 01/01/22
Finished: 03/01/21
Spoilers: No
Another great instalment in the series. I really love where this is going, and the concept of the giant gods floating in the sky is both creepy and awesome. Like previous volumes, I still find the history lessons at the end of each chapter boring and I barely retain any of the information I learn in them, but the rest of the graphic novel is very interesting and engaging.
I normally enjoy Maika as a character, but her attitude is starting to piss me off a little. Even when people offer her fair and reasonable deals, she's always so contrary. Though an interesting character, she's becoming a little too truculent for my tastes. She needs to start actually thinking with her head and not her fists.
Characters I still really like are Ren, Kippa, Corvin, and Zinn, and I look forward to seeing more of them.
The artwork never fails to impress me. The attention to detail is incredible and the use of colour is stunning. There's something almost iridescent about it. Even the muted purples, greens and yellows on the cover of this one remains me of the rainbow hues of an oil spill. It's a subtle effect but very pleasing, and one that slightly bleeds through into the colour pallet of the whole series. Very gorgeous and underrated artwork.